New York City Greenways are the best way to discover parks, waterfronts, neighborhoods, and get around this great city. They offer something for everyone – seasoned runners and cyclists, families, casual recreationalists, and people with disabilities. Use this guide to explore new reaches of every Borough of NYC. This guide was originally created for the summer months, some routes, activities, and points of interest may not be available year-round.
The NYC Greenway system is a work in progress. Greenway Adventures NYC enables self-guided, self-supported experiences by highlighting longer sections of completed greenway. Some routes include on-street connections; these gaps are called out within individual route guides. Familiarize yourself with routes and turns prior to heading out, and only follow routes where you feel comfortable and safe.
Stay alert and aware of your surroundings, especially on busy streets, near parked cars, and at intersections. Be sure your cell phone is charged and that you have ID and cash or a credit card for any urgent needs. Greenway users should be aware and follow applicable laws and safety tips for their mode of travel. People on bikes can refer to the NYC DOT Bike Smart guide and the official NYC Bike Map. Please follow NYC's most up-to-date guidance on COVID-19.
Greenway Adventures NYC will take you all over our great city. Depending on your planned route and mode of travel you may want to include transit in your adventure. Individual route guides highlight transit connections, including NYC Ferry, MTA Subway, and Bus. Learn more about bikes on NYC Transit here, including Ferry, Subway and other regional transit. Citi Bike is another great option for getting to and from your greenway adventure.
We highly recommend downloading the app Komoot for turn-by-turn directions for all of the routes. It costs a one-time fee of $3.99 to unlock the NYC region. Greenway Adventure routes are also provided using Google Maps, MapMyRide, and downloadable GPX files.

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Greenways create essential public space for human-powered transportation and healthful outdoor recreation; provide numerous environmental benefits; offer sustainable low-cost transportation alternatives; foster tourism and create jobs; and provide connection to job centers and transit.
New York City has a 400-mile network of greenways on paper. About 300 miles of greenways run through every part of the city. But today, they rarely connect to each other, older segments require upgrades, and new parts of the network are still too few and far between. Connecting disparate, isolated greenways will create a citywide open space and transportation network that will be essential infrastructure for an equitable and sustainable future.
In this moment of increased attention to the vital importance of equitable infrastructure, climate action, and economic recovery, dozens of greenway-aligned groups from across the city came together as the NYC Greenways Coalition to catalyze increased investment and political will toward completion of a 5-Borough greenway system that serves all New Yorkers and connects with regional networks like the 750-mile Empire State Trail, 175-mile Long Island Greenway, and 3,000-mile East Coast Greenway.
The NYC Greenways Coalition is a collective of greenway-aligned groups focused on completion and continual enhancement of an equitable greenway network in New York City.

Brooklyn Greenway Initiative (BGI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to the development, establishment and long-term stewardship of the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway – a 26-mile protected and landscaped route for pedestrians and cyclists of all ages and abilities that, when complete, will connect Brooklyn’s storied and iconic waterfront, parks and open space, commercial and cultural corridors, and new tech and innovation hubs for 2.65 million Brooklyn residents, over 1.1 million people who work in Brooklyn, and more than 15 million annual visitors from across the City and around the world.